LESSON #1 - How to study the "Holy Bible"
Teacher - The Holy Spirit (John 15:26)
Genesis - (The beginning)
I. The creation of the universe, the earth, mankind and their respective purposes.
II. The fall of man and the consequences of sin.
III. The flood (God starts over) - Noah and his family alone are spared judgment.
(Symbolizes God with His family (those who are born again). God will be starting over again - are you apart of HIS family?)
IV. The distribution of the Human race ( God did not create people to be called black or white, those words describe colors and not people. As people began to go out, their bodies adapted to their respective climates. As the people began to grow in their respective regions of the world, the people took on the names of their land
i.e. ( Africans = Africa, Americans = America, Jews = Judea/Judah, so on and so forth.)
Exodus thru Zechariah - (The first covenant)
I. As the rest of the world began to populate, as God commanded, mixing with one another, sinning until their lustful desires were full, God chose to keep one nation of people in tact - ISRAEL ( the Jewish People). God guarded the lineage of this people, God taught this people how to worship Him, as well as, how to pray, reverence, and serve Him. God setup a divine Law in order to keep the people from being totally destroyed By Him, because of their ungodliness, and also to keep them from destroying one another.
II. Israel is also symbolic of the people in the rest of the world. They are a picture of the Human Race in relation to the Almighty God. Israel's rebellious nature described in the Old Testament times are reflective of all men everywhere. Though God chose to punish Israel from time to time we still see the picture painted of A loving, caring, nurturing, long-suffering, merciful, graceful GOD! Hallelujah!
III. Throughout the old testament, Israel depicts man serving other gods (idol worship) and forsaking the one true GOD. Israel is given prophecy after prophecy, signs and wonders, and great leaders (kings, priest, judges) to teach and train them in the way of the LORD, but to no avail, they remained a stiffnecked people ( stubborn, refusing to listen to and obey Gods law and divine prophecies.) The picture very much describes the state of the world today, but at a appointed time God sends His final instructions, His final appeal to get things in order. The aforementioned books also offer prediction(S) for the coming MESSIAH!
Malachi - (the last chance) (old testament times vs the present)
I. This book describes both Israel and man ( the human race), it notes their state of being before the coming of the Lord Jesus the Christ. In the Old Testament (old covenant) Israel, during the time this book (prophecy) was given, they were in total bondage to the systems of the world. This book also describes the state of the world today.
II. This book describes Gods love for Israel and the world, and His plea for all men everywhere to seek Him out, learn of His ways, and obey Him. The book of Malachi describes a time when reverence for God was slacking. The service they gave, and the things they offered to Him were defiled and filthy. Pastors/priest were not holding the people accountable, because they themselves were laxed in their worship towards GOD! Adultery, fornication, and other kinds of sinful nature had become the norm. Sadly the people came to believe that obedience, worship to God, and remaining pure were of no benefit, just like the world is today!
III. However a small remnant of the children of God had been separated from the rest of the world. Worshipping God, showing reverence to Him and their names are written in a book of remembrance for rewards to be given.
IV. God warns of a messenger to come and prepare the way of the Lord. This is the graciousness of a loving GOD once again giving a rebellious people a last, last chance before the coming of our LORD!
Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John - (the New testament/Covenant) The time before the end comes.
I. REPENT, for THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! (this message is the ONLY message that MUST be preached.)
II. Four different accounts and perceptions of Jesus the Christ. They are listed as authorative, as well as factual, historical, philosophical, loving and powerful view points.
III. Jesus the Christ restores the power and oneness of all mankind to GOD. Acceptance and belief in the dying and resurrected sacrifice Jesus endured on behalf of all men everywhere is crucial to entering into the Kingdom of God! Jesus depicts God undying love for the people of the world (John 3:15-16)
IV. Power from on High (the Holy Spirit) is offered to those who seek God and His divine purpose. The seekers are also offered rewards and a place in eternity besides Jesus the Christ.
Acts thru Jude - (how to endure as the end draws near)
I. The writers/teachers of these books preached the "KINGDOM OF GOD". Yet they were led on a journey that included all the problems a Christian would encounter during their journey of faith in Jesus the Christ. They gave answers and examples of how to deal with situations as they arose. In order that every believer would have guidelines to follow. None-the-less, the life of Jesus the Christ is to be our focus. We are called to become Christ-like. The writers of these books encourage us to follow them in following Jesus. All believers should be encouraged to read and study these passages for reproof and instruction for themselves, in order that they may live a life of purity, setting a Godly example, which leads others to Christ. Christians are instructed to study to show themselves approved and worthy of God's call to salvation, glory, and grace.
II. You have no need that anyone should instruct you, for the same anointing that has come upon them is upon you ( as a believer) - ( I John 2:27). Press in for the Spirit of truth or stay dependent upon the wisdom of men. The Spirit of the Lord has placed mankind in the office of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and teacher as He (the Holy Spirit) sees fit "Romans 12:4-8/ I Cor 12". All are not going to become prophetic or heal at the same time, only as the Spirit wills. One plants, the other waters, and God gives the increase.
Revelations - (The END) What to look forward to.
I. The rapture - A call home for all "CHRISTIANS" only, to go to Heaven to be with our GOD and Lord.
II. A final chance for all to believe in the Lord Jesus the Christ. After all the believers of Jesus are gone up to Heaven, there will be a time of famine, false peace, also the devil (anti-Christ) will be revealed and allowed by God to seemingly rule the earth for a spell (period of time). Yet, this is only a test. Those who can endure such a terrible time will be saved. After that THERE ARE NO MORE CHANCES!
III. Then after the millennial reign of Jesus the Christ and His chosen saints. Satan will be released one last time to tempt mankind, after that all who even then decide to side with the devil, will be locked away in HELL forever- no more chances and God will create a new heaven and new Earth, with no more pain and suffering and all the believers, chosen Jewish people, and those whom the LORD God chooses to have compassion upon will live happily ever after, AMEN!